Become a Tutor!

We are now hiring for our Literacy Outreach Summer Program!

Link to applications: Literacy Outreach Summer Applications

LO works with children and youth to increase literacy and numeracy skills in women’s and families’ shelters, as well as with a multicultural youth group for Immigrant/newcomer youth.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at

Volunteer Requirements: 
Becoming a volunteer with FC-QSL is very schedule-friendly. Volunteers are expected to tutor for a period of 6 months throughout the academic school year. (No tutoring occurs during exams periods or holidays). Typically the amount of actual tutoring done amounts to about an hour per week for R4F and about two hours per week for PLI.
However, as a tutor, there are other requirements that go beyond simply tutoring your learner:
  • Tutors are expected to attend a mandatory training session on October 14th, 2018. FC-QSL is mandated by Frontier College to provide this training session. The training session is provided once per year, and Frontier College further mandates that we not allow tutors access to learners without this training session - if you miss training, you cannot take part in the program.
  • Tutors are also required to attend a minimum of two fundraising event per academic year, and also attend QSL Club Socials. These fundraising events help ensure our ability to operate consistently, regardless of any fluctuations in monies donated by either Queen's University or Frontier College. They also all happen to take place in locations that serve beer =)
  • Tutors are strongly encouraged attend as many social events as possible
  • Tutors must attend our general tutor meetings, typically one in the fall term and one in the winter term.
  • Volunteers are required to get a Police Check, which will be reimbursed by Frontier College. Police Checks must be updated every two years by returning volunteers. Due to government changes, volunteers must obtain their own Police Checks this year by contacting the local Police Station.

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